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Simplify Blazor Frontend Development with Postman Mock Servers: Start Work Without Waiting for Backend

Introduction When building modern web applications, APIs are critical for communication between the frontend and backend. However, there are times when backend development lags behind, or you need to start working on the frontend without waiting for the API to be fully implemented. This is where tools like Postman come into play. In a previous […]

Ottorino Bruni 

How to Implement Dependency Injection in .NET: C# Console App Guide Using Visual Studio Code

Introduction Dependency Injection (DI) is a fundamental concept in .NET development, enabling developers to create flexible, maintainable, and testable applications. By decoupling dependencies, DI allows for better code organization and promotes adherence to SOLID principles, particularly the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). Previously, I discussed SOLID principles in C# and delved into the Dependency Inversion Principle. […]

Ottorino Bruni 

How to Implement Entity Framework Core Migrations in a .NET Console Application Using C# and VSCode

Introduction to Entity Framework Core Migrations In the previous articles, I discussed how to integrate SQLite with a .NET console application using C# and VSCode, and how to use Dapper for data access. You can find those articles at these links: SQLite with .NET Console Application, Using Dapper and Entity Framework Core in .NET Applications. […]

Ottorino Bruni