Category: blog


Solid Principles in C#

It’s time to talk about a topic that every developer should know to work better regardless of the language or framework used: The S.O.L.I.D principles. What are the S.O.L.I.D. principles? The S.O.L.I.D. design principles are a collection of best practices for object-oriented design. The term S.O.L.I.D. comes from the initial letter of each of the […]

Ottorino Bruni 

Nuget TextCase library for .NET

I have often used and created nuget packages in many companies and never had the desire or time to create/manage my own nuget package that could help other fellow developers. So i decide to create the TextCase library for .NET, it helps changing the cases of existing texts. Nuget TextCase library for .NET There are […]

Ottorino Bruni 

How to localize info.plist in Xcode

As you know with iOS 14 Apple requires consent to access the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers), you need to display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA. How to implement this change? Just update your Info.plist and add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing your usage. My app supports more […]

Ottorino Bruni 

How to fix error Profile doesn’t match the entitlements file’s values for the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements

Finally, you completed your task: everything is working on your development machine, and you just need to upload the app to the App Store. But then you encounter this error: “Profile doesn’t match the entitlements file’s values for the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements” 😞 This issue usually occurs when you need to regenerate the provisioning […]

Ottorino Bruni 

Type Conversion in C#

The process of converting one type to another is called type conversion. In C#, you can perform the following kinds of conversions: Implicit conversions Explicit conversions User-defined conversions Conversion with a helper class To go more in detail about Implicit and Explicit conversions read my previous article Boxing and Unboxing in C#. Implicit conversions An implicit […]

Ottorino Bruni 

Boxing and Unboxing in C#

C# is, for the most part, a statically typed language, this means that the compiler will check the type of every expression and you sometimes have to convert between types. The concept of boxing and unboxing is the starting point in C# type system in which a value of any type can be treated as an object. […]

Ottorino Bruni